Bike: Easy Previous Next


12:11 PM

28.1 mi


22.38 mi / hr

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Welp. Decided to try an outdoor ride. Plan was 60 minute flat easy ride with a power ceiling of 200W. So naturally I went 75 minutes with an average power of 252W with a 5 minute max of 290W :/ This is due to 3 reasons: 1) I had to have the map up the whole ride and couldn't see my power, 2) I was passing a local cyclist when he decided to hop on my wheel which is what caused a 2-3 minute effort to drop him, and lastly I had a weird feeling that I needed to prove to myself I could still bike decently (even though in peak shape 250W wasn't even 70.3 power when I had Covid).

Aftermath: short term my hip did not seem aggravated by this slightly more aggressive ride. Over the next 4 hours my adductor was feeling achy but still no hip pain. The next day I had adductor/quad pain (dull and achy with movement, no pain at rest) and the issue where I can't internally rotate my leg seemed to be worse. Hip flexor strain did not seem aggravated but this seems kinda like the impingement pain? Gonna take a few days easy to see if it calms down.


joe pisacano

You probably could have just asked the guy to back off your wheel a bit and he would have. Not sure this was the most logical reaction to someone that likely just wanted someone to ride with.