Run: hard Previous Next


8:30 PM

6.5 km


4:26 km


79 kg


21 C


9 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

hall drive


Nice weather, although I was lulled by the feeling of no wind on the way out, I stopped at halfway and noted the time was 15:12, so lost a second or two doing that, and stopped for cars at the end of the street and confirmed my watch was going so 5 seconds for that, and got stopped on the way back crossing at the firebrigade so 3 seconds for that, and 16 to stop the clock back at Megan's. So 29:13 net 28:49 (I mean its a bargain, if you stop then count 3 then start again you've really lost more in decelerating and getting you pace back up). Anyway, the no wind was incorrect, it was behind me so on the way back it was in my face virtually all the way. I tried quite hard and was pretty done at the end although might have found a bit more if racing. Gotta be happy with a 4.26 time. My right heel always sore to start these days, feels like my shoe has impinged, it doesnt hurrt once warm or to walk, but I think it slows me abit at the beginning of runs. Might have to get it looked at or try some treatment. maybe ditch the hard leather shoes...will see.

Straight after work I went to the Bethany parent orientation evening, it all looks pretty good, she should have a good school fingers crossed. Home and briefly saw Megan going out the door to hockey, hope she has another great game like last week. Sammy had another test today, but the others are on holidays. Hayley had her Bethany orientation day yesterday will hear more about it on Friday. I know they all wrote their names on a big heart, which will be their years tag, the hearts.
