Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


11:00 AM



81 kg


15 C


8 / 10
7 / 10
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Hockey park


Played Glebe, won 3-2. Brett scored two goals early, the got one back and had one disallowed earlier in the second half. Craig scored a short with not too long to go, then i thought i miss meggy and missed an easy tackle so i went home. Well I did miss Meggy, but certainly didnt miss any easy tackles, thanks darling! Craig then let in an easy goal to make up for his short corner but good win all up. I followed Rossco into the circle in the second half and met his cross first time, beautiful contact in traffic, it was so close to beating the keeper, ended up flying sideways from a bit of him and just outside the post.. good work unrewarded. Other fun things that happened was bloody lee still going on about being sent off the week before, and I played left and right inner all the time I was on, lots of running, and buggered afterwards. Nice day after that cleaning up after the party, assisted the girls walking milo good thing too because met some unleashed dogs. It was also nice picking the little boy up from Debs, he was glad to see us..
