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12:30 PM



No name


80 kg


15 C


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Hockey park


Crunch match vs Bentstix if we win all the last 3 we can make the semis depending on other results. This one is a nice bonus though. And we won 5 nil. Had craig rogers and scott baker filling in, which gave us two subs. rest of team dave l, dave w, pete, anny, ben, mark, me, chris, glen, rossco and greg a. We started with scott on left wing and me on the right wing, and we went really well. Me and chris and glen passing it around, and ben of course, and rossco and scot on the other side. I scored off a short corner (finally) hard hit, between the keepers legs but beaten for pace nonetheless! Chrs scored, another short I think, I didled past the runner and passed I think or might have been rebound, dunno now, then scott down the left across to the circle, ball ended up stopped by keeper, I pounced and "tomahawked" it in..The Rossco picked me out up high, I drew the keeper, passed by him to Chrs open goal shot. 4 nill half time. Second half I started off, come on after 10 again right wing, we only scored one, chris got a good individual one on one with the keeper. Points 3 rossco, 2 peter g, 1 Ben. Goals Chris 3 me 2. Cant wait for the rest of the results.

Back to sutho to watch megans team at 5pm, they lost 3 nil, her mate Sarah from 3 seasons ago popped in for a vist which was nice. hayley came back from camp had a good time, but lost netball. at least the Dragons won. Sammy plays semi tomorrow. I could played 6th grade but my cold which caused 4 days off last week is stilll hanging around...
