Hockey Training: Default Previous Next




83 kg


26 C


8 / 10
7 / 10
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Hockey park


missed the first bit of circut, but did a warm up lap with Jon Hol then sprints. about 5 reps of 50m then jog through, then 75 m back, then 3 or 4 25 m sprint then jog 25 then sprint 25 then jog through. After that John Hol went home, the lined up with nick and the rowlings for 5 * 25 meter turned into 6, then 5 or 6 50 metre bloody nick beat me in the last 2 50 m sprints! (I was neck and neck with jon hol before...) then some 2 on 1, other drills then about a half hour 5 on 65 game. i acutally scored but took a while to find my feet, will get better I hope.
