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8:00 PM



81 kg


7 C


8 / 10
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Vs bentstix. Lost 3 nil. Negotiated umpire with bankstown, the ranga guy did it and a bentie girl. Team Dave lucas, dave wray, jimmy todd, steve h, me, garth purdy, ray northwood as john hol, damo, millsy, glen and les wilde. I played right inner, glen left inner, ray centre half. lost toddy after about 5 minutes with an ankle so ended up short anyway. played ok myself, some good possessions and stuff. Points 1 for me, 2 for dave wray, 3 for dave lucas he did some great saves, actually a lot of saves. off to the party at the whites after that, noted was pretty stiff in the hammys and took a while to warm up, today my right knee is stiff, at least the achilles is not too sore, it was getting sore on the night..
