Run: Easy Previous Next


6:15 PM

7.1 km


5:44 km


81 kg
44 bpm


19 C


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Had a good night last night after the big win and two goals, and a good morning too :-) Megan then went to hockey and me and hayley followed and watched the game, damn cougars lost 4-2 but they were up 2 nil...some good signs and Megan played really well as usual. So then had lunch at Mums and took her up to sutho for the fire brigade concert then me and hayley went back to megs i helped with the lawns and did the edges. hayley played on the tramp and also helped with folding the clothes, then picked up mom and back to drop of hayliey and back to alfords point. Ben threatened to do 10k but we did this one inssteadd....took it easy, the last hill is pretty fierce :-)
