Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


11:00 AM



81 kg


28 C


8 / 10
6 / 10
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Hockey park


Lost 4-3 funny game for me, marked the wingers really well as I played right half and a bit of left half all day, unchanged. but made lots of silly mistakes in advancing play, like missed traps and soft passes which i was not happy with. did some good running on to the ball, and a few times jinked around 2 to 4 guys and passed off to someone in better position, but frustrated by the bad bits. Very hot and we all suffered in the heat. lost it with a dodgy short corner in the last minute, but we were 3 nil down so it was a good comeback. Mark b, Ross angus, self and dave wray from 7s played so good practice for the boys. then stuck in traffic on the way home, and called mum and found andrew and the cousins were at mums so me and hayley went there for lunch and a swim which was nice for hayleye to catch up with luke and lara. megan was doing kids tim with the girls at miranda which was good too, and all back to alfords point for bbq dinner and watched RV on tv after. Milo being naughty and sneaking into the living room which was funny, had to put him out in the end he was sitting on sammy..
