Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

5.7 km


5:20 km


83 kg


26 C


7 / 10
7 / 10
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This time megan and sharls met us on the way out as they were walking back only about 200 metres out and they squirted there water bottles on us..could have done with it on the way back, I remember it was very hot. We all then played tennis with the girls again, some more continuous killer like the day before with sharls this was at 11am qld time. the morans were on the other court. after that the girls went for a swim, megan stayed around and I went to the sailing club to watch a fight with pagey, martin and glen. the girls walked up a bit later, hayley had 2 or 3 accidents on the play equipment and workout machines on the way, megan helped cheer her up. We watched the band and I tried and failed to get king of the road up. Back at the resort for Indian (red rooster for hayley and fish and chips from holy makerel for sammy). Most of them played volleyball in the pool,but i stayedoutand chatted to Sil and Louise and Wendy, and went back for some "alan jones time" and listened to Mossy. Megan said glen was funny at volleyball and martinwas a laught too. only a brief sit on the porch and I nearly fell asleep watching o brother where art thou with Ben, then off to bed.
