Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


11:00 AM



No name


80 kg


15 C


7 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

Hockey park


6th grade vs uts, got hrashed 10 nil or so. I played right wing to start, then fullback in the first half, the same in the second half, right wing then fullback. Craig rogers pulled a heart muscle and didnt want to play back getting thrashed! I did some good tackes and good hits, missed one hit that led to a goal, but in the contect of the game who cares :-) Got two points, for gods sake my first points for the year I reckon. Watched megans game before hand. They drew 1 all, megan on the sideline with her calf. Fun morning really. Sadly we both came down with the colds weve been carrying. really didnt feel bad playing, but crashed and burned atter that. went to mums and played monopoly with hayley and mum which was a bit of fun. home to a quiet night at megans, both a bit sick.
