Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


11:00 AM



81 kg


18 C


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Hockey park


6th grade vs Moorebank. glen and chris also played. Chris bobbled one in, I played left half, got a fair bit of action and ran one into the circle and shot from top left across into the right corner about an inch inside the post, bit of a squeeze style hit, 100mph! it was a beauty! Glen popped in a soft one, 3 nil They got back to 3 all, I had a hand in that not properly covering the high forward. after that though went well at fullback (played 2nd half there) and we got two more, one to glen and one to geoff noy. Foot hurt in the warm up, but the ankle strapping went fine. Good weekend for hockey, and nice menai indian dinner with megan last night although she was a bit crook after when we went to the club. had dinner at russos with the kids tonight as well, picked up hayley after popping in to mums.
