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5:45 AM

12.3 mi


7:50 mi

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<No name>


8-12. Wide range. Like last week you need to balance today and tomorrow and almost treat it like a single workout.

Do this on a hilly route. Start easy and relaxed and build as you loosen up.

All uphills are up to MAF +10 beats.

All flats and downhills are at MAF. On the downs, run to hold HR up. Roll down the hills with a quick stride rate and a light foot plant.


did a pretty hilly route this morning but still feeling the effects of the cold/flu I have/had as my legs just didnt have any gusto today. Otherwise a good run. Ankle is feeling almost completely normal these days.

Training Plan Entry


12 mi

8-12. Wide range. Like last week you need to balance today and tomorrow and almost treat it like a single workout.

Do this on a hilly route. Start easy and relaxed and build as you loosen up.

All uphills are up to MAF +10 beats.

All flats and downhills are at MAF. On the downs, run to hold HR up. Roll down the hills with a quick stride rate and a light foot plant.
