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8:45 AM

1.2 mi


10:50 mi

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<No name>


did not run yesterday (or should I say, ran 300 yards before calling the ball) as right hip hurt like a motherfucker...went home and rolled it out, then went to DT yesterday and rolled the shit out of it too last night...rode for 30 this morning on the stationary bike as I could not ride in and then got on the hamster wheel for 1.2 miles just to was ok, some mild discomfort in the first .4 miles, but it slowly went away and there was no pain so I stopped it while I was ahead. Bringing my bike to work tomorrow so will get in an early long ride and then try and run 4 on road. I have Chiro tomorrow as well...staying optimistic.

Training Plan Entry


5 mi

30:00-40:00 easy run. No HR, just run natural and relaxed with a light effort. Remember, this light schedule is only for a week or two! It will pick back up.
