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5:45 AM

20.2 mi


8:12 mi

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<No name>


20-22 mile trail run. Hit the mountain?

Same idea as yesterday. Keep it relaxed early and let the run come to you. Focus early too on taking more calories than usual, then taper down to what ever you can get in. Good fluid intake.


great run this morning...trail was NOT possible as all trails are completely snowed out so had to be road...even the roads were like trails because of so much snow so its all good. Went 19:20 for my last 5k on this. Body good, fluid and food intake was good. All is well.

Training Plan Entry


22 mi

20-22 mile trail run. Hit the mountain?

Same idea as yesterday. Keep it relaxed early and let the run come to you. Focus early too on taking more calories than usual, then taper down to what ever you can get in. Good fluid intake.
