Run: Tempo Previous Next


5 mi


5:44 mi


6 / 10
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This wasn't a terrible tempo, but it definitely wasn't a great one either. The weather was a lot cooler than it has been, so that was good. I felt really smooth on the first two miles, but things got tough in the last two-and-a-half miles or so. The road had a lot of rolling hills and the trees scrambled my GPS at times, but all-in-all I stayed within the range I wanted (5:35-45). I'm not surprised the middle three miles were slower because the first and last miles were mainly done on a flatish strip that was completely exposed to the sky. The other miles had a few tough hills, especially mile 4 (again, no surprise). Considering that I've been getting shitty sleep lately and that I drank a bunch of whiskey last night, I will take this, though. I just hope I feel a little better doing the next one.
