Yoga: Ashtanga Previous Next


6:30 PM



204 lb


Week 6, Day 3

5x A, 3x B, All standing, first 6 sitting.

No videos again. Did Sun A+B+Standing from memory, did sitting from the cheat sheet.

I thought I was going slower than yesterday, but finished a couple minutes faster, so apparently not.

I was sweating as fuck today. Like a heavy squat day in the garage. In Texas. In summer.

Some balance difficulties in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. Good elsewhere.

Today was the first time that the thought of quitting the session early entered my mind. It passed, but for a bit early in standing, I considered ending finishing before sitting. Not sure why, as I love how it makes me feel. Perhaps I'm less comfortable with the extra vinyasas between poses and the sitting sequence? Anyway, I'll power through and perhaps learn why later.

Namaste, mother fuckers.
