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2:30 PM

20 mi


12.28 mi / hr


83 F
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Rendevouz with the midget cycle again today. God, there's nothing like an hour and forty minute bike ride with a constantly shifting wind to remind you that you still have patellar tendonitis. I haven't felt the pain from them since my hip started up like last July. Stupid bike. It's gotta be the stupid bike, since I'm all crunched up on it like a hamster. Oh well. But I felt like I was cruising compared to yesterday, probably because I was going in a straight line. I stopped for a snowball on the way back though. All of my water was hot and I wanted something cold, but then I wanted to smack myself afterwards, because its like here let me drink sugar and ice. That's sooo healthy. I'm so stupid sometimes. I think I'm going to start hitting the pool soon, because this whole bike thing isn't working out too well. I'd rather not deal with a hip injury and the stupid knees again at the same time. It's getting ridiculous.
