Bike: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

10 mi


10.91 mi / hr

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Did a bike workout instead of running, because my hip probably wouldn't take to running front hill loops and 400s too well. Rode down to Downs Park and around it twice, then back up to the middle school for some hill repeats on the driveway. The ride around Downs Park was fairly easy, but the trails are very curvy and bumpy so it's hard to get a good rhythm going. I'm not really sure how long it took, I forgot to time it. I was just kind of off in my own little world, listening to Jack's Mannequin. It's better for cycling than running. Then we did hill repeats at the middle school driveway, which weren't exactly cake, but it actually felt good to put in a teeth-grinding effort like I was going to kill something without any pain. It was like my quads vs. the bike and the hill. Felt pretty good. Then of course I attempted to run a lap on the track for cooldown, which was a bad idea because my knees were all loosy goosey and my legs like forgot how to run, so I my feet were hitting the ground like lead. But it was a good workout. Better than Wednesday.
