Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

4.2 mi


10:05 mi



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Wow. So I went into this run thinking: Okay, maybe I'll have a better run today because I feel better and was currently not being tortured as to whether or not I want to quit. But no, another crappy run brought to me straight from the B & A Trail. What a godforsaken place to run. I'm starting to hate it even more than myself. And my butt hurt soooo bad from the lunges yseterday evening. And running like 13 hours after that probably doesn't help speed recovery. And of course, any muscle weakness from the lactic acid buildup in my glutes and quads went straight to destabilizing my hips, which meant a snappy IT band and major pain.

At least we got to go swimming at TJ's afterwards. And then we ate at Panera's. I felt like throwing up though. Trying to decide is screwing around with my stomach. But who wants to throw up an $8 meal?
