Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

2 mi


10:00 mi




97 F


Wasn't entirely sure why I got out of the house and dragged myself to running club. It's so freaking hot.

Luckily enough for me, we did like 2% running and 98% cross training. Still managed to have an exceedingly crappy workout. Ran like the first mile circuit with Elaine and Katie. I should be way ahead of them at this point. I'm so mad. Did work on shoulders with hand weights, jumpropes, pushups, and then plyo stuff like lunges, high knees, bounding, etc. I kept almost falling over on the carioca crap or whatever it's called because my IT band would snap everytime I did the cross over and it felt like my femur was trying to pull out of its socket. And then of course all the muscles inside my hip try to stabilize my femur, and I can feel things pulling and tearing.

I'm just really upset that even on a low intensity day, I manage to screw myself over. And the worst part is, I know exactly what's wrong and what's happening while it's happening, and why it's happening, but I don't have the guts to just stop in the middle of the workout like I did last Thursday. Not with all those people there. Especially freshmen. Especially if I'm going to be one of the team captains this year. I'm torn between what kind of example I'm setting: stupid or persevering.

I don't know what I still am in other people's minds, but I'm hitting a low in my own.

Going to feel that in the morning.
