Run: Easy Previous Next


12:00 PM

3 mi


8:08 mi


156 lb


60 F


This was the break in run for the VFF. It was interesting, right away I could tell that I was heel striking a lot with my right foot which just happens to be the same leg that gave me knee issues last Sunday as well as the same leg with calve cramping issues in the marathon and on a few long runs.

I could barely do 3 miles, stopped a few times to walk. My calves hurt bad and my feet got sore in the arch, it all felt like muscle pain. No pain at all in any of my joints.

It is truly like learning to run all over again. I think I may take the approach of using them until I get comfortable instead of alternating shoes right away. I'll loose mileage but I can afford to at this point in the year. I would rather get my stride right as quick as possible and get back to it.

***one note: traction was lame on wet surfaces, especially metal grates.
