Bike: Race Previous Next


4:30 PM

15 km


7.41 mi / hr


90 F


5 / 10
  • Map

alpe d'huez


got on my bike assuming that i'll magically feel good once i start pedaling. on the very first pitch of alpe d'huez, i am in serious trouble. fought to keep up 300 or so watts for about 2 minutes, and then it becomes apparent that it's game over. i came to almost a complete stop/trackstand to try to recover for a few minutes while everyone went by me. then i settled in at a nice 6 mph and just try to keep moving. i brought one water bottle for the bike, thinking that would be plenty for a short race. i drank that, + another water and two gatorades. i actually started to feel a little better when it cooled off at the top and I passed a few people back.

went by a giant picture of kath on a billboard on one of the top switchbacks...

planned to do about 310 watts on the bike. i averaged 209. just completely dead from the heat and the climbing over the past week.
