Bike: Tempo Previous Next


20 mi


19.99 mi / hr


115 bpm
150 bpm
60 bpm


Taking a Thermalyte 90 minutes before the bike.

Done with core in 1:10.

Bike was good. It was a little uncomforatable at first, but I warmed up for 10 minutes, then got off the saddle to get the HR up to about 140ish, kept it for a minute, then came back down for 2 minutes. Repeated that for the hour.

Left hamstring still pretty sore and tight(outer hamstring, so the stretch isn't really reaching it), but the bike didn't bother it that much.

Stats from the stationary bike: 1 hour, 20 miles, 500 calories. Avg HR(Garmin) was 115 and max of 150. Still not high enough...
