Run: Easy Previous Next


5.3 mi


9:38 mi


128 bpm
140 bpm
59 bpm


Had junk food at class :( Oreos, pretels, etc....

Back from class. Need to find a good place to run. It's going to be dark, so it will have to be sidewalk off of some road, or a high school track....

Nutrition for run: NUUN/water

Run was just okay. Legs felt tight. Left hamstring was sore and tight but not any worse off than before.

Weight after run: 151 - not sure why I've gained 3 pounds since Sunday.... may be water weight...

Stats: 5.29 miles in 50:56 which is a 9:37 mile. Burned 419 calories. Avg HR was 128 and max of 140.
