Bike: Tempo Previous Next


74 mi


16.76 mi / hr


116 bpm
169 bpm
65 bpm


Nutrition for bike: 100oz of NUUN(7tabs) and CPro(8 scoops). It's rainy so I won't need Thermalytes today, or at least I don't think I'll need them.

Ate half a ProBar, and vit/mins at 7am. Swim is at 9am.

Weight before swim: 148.6

Weight after swim: 147.2

Swim was good. 2500m in 1:03:41. Had to rush the last few laps so my HR spiked :(

Took the thermalyte at 10:35, hoping to start the bike at 11am :) It looks really dark out there now!

Drank a coconut water to cool the core and hydrate.

Weight after bike: 148.4 Considering it was cold and rainy :)

Bike was good. The left quad was a little strainy during the ride. The left knee was mildly irritated, but not too bad at all. Still I think no running tomorrow. Plus, the hurricane is here. I rode through some of it :)

Took a Thermalyte at 1:05 and 2:10. It didn't hurt so now I know I can take them for long rides/runs even when it's damp and cool out.

74 miles in 4:24:58 Burned 1348 calories. Avg HR was 116 and max of 169. Low, right? Blame the hurricane.

Time to load up on protein!
