Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi

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Nice easy run around the Morton Arboretum. I'm feeling a bit tired and weary from travel time, but despite my foot (hurt it running barefoot at the Rainbow Gathering) it was a good run. I have been running probably about 4 days a week average since I left in May so I think my fitness hasn't dropped that much, but it's nowhere near where it was in April/May for ultras. I have to get consistent again, which will be easy now that I'll be settled. I also need to set my sights on a race so I can train for something. I want to get back into higher mileage (100+) with longer workouts than I did before.

Mistakes in training from RUTE?: Long runs - too short. Need to get out Saturday and Sunday and put in at least 40 miles in these two days, maybe trade out a Monday run with a bike/swim. Longer workouts. I should have a longer workout consisting of either 2 20minute tempo intervals or maybe a 35 minute tempo run. I think in general I need to commit further to ultras rather than striving to keep some of my 5k speed if I want to be serious in the sport, which I do.

This week 45 miles

2: 55

3: 60

4: 60

5: 75
