Run: Easy Previous Next


12.5 mi

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Ran over to the beach for a nice easy run. Ran with Mark, Mike and Rafael. Mike's a super nice guy recovering from an injury, but definitely into the ultra world.

Finished with a mile on the track almost at race pace. It's nice because I feel more like they're workouts than they are races. This one was 4:40, but I know I have a lot more in me. I like it because I go out at a pace, hold it for three laps and close fast. I was a bit shaky in the beginning trying to get this on pace, but I got it. Last time I had a goal time, but this time I just wanted to run faster so I didn't think about pacing until about 150m in.

34, 37 (71)

35, 35 (2:21)

36, 36 (3:33)

35, 32 (4:40).

It's obvious that I lost track of my pace on lap three (not because I was tired). Overall I felt great. Had I come through at 3:30 I would have felt better and broken 4:40. Last 100m was about all I had. I'm going to take next week over and in about two weeks try a 2 mile time trial. We'll see how that goes.
