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7:34 AM

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Walked to shuttle in the morning.

Feeling weak after the diarrhea yesterday... tried to force as much food in my stomach as possible this morning.

Ever since I got the scale earlier this month, my weight has been super-stable to the accuracy of 0.1lb (except for the 4 days around SC50). Due to the diarrhea, it dropped continuously this week. Despite how much i eat, this morning it reached a historical low, almost 4lbs lower than two weeks ago :( That's why i have been feeling so exhausted and listless lately...

Felt better in the evening...

Nutrition 2890

* bkft (970)

1 bowl of oatmeal (120) 1 bowl of semolina (120)

1/2 breakfast sausage (50) 1 vegetable patty (100)

egg scramble (100) steamed egg whites (50) smoked fish (40)

3 almonds (20) 5g chocolate (30)

fruit: Plum,Watermelon,Grape,strawberries (60) raw cucumbers/tomatoes/onion (30)

cheese: cheddar/camembert (100) fried cabbages (50)

2 tbsp, flaxseed/wheat germ (40) dried cherries, currants, raisins, dates (60)

* morning (150)

5g 70% chocolateļ¼Œ17 almonds

* lunch (760)

saffron rice (150) garlic flatbread (100)

tofu in malai sauce (50) mixed berry cake (80)

lamb and chickpea soup (150) mixed green, bamboo shoots (50) curried cauliflower (30) 6figs (150)

* afternoon (510)

1 apple (90), 1 bottle of Noyu tea (90) strawberries w/ whipped cream (30) 1 packet, chocolate nibs (30) multigrain chips (30) 1 string cheese (90) 1 packet, trailmix (150)

* dinner (500)

1 slice pizza, 1 slice quessadella, 1bowl of miso soup, 40 gojis, 6pieces of tomatoes
