Run: Easy Previous Next


11:58 PM

5.7 mi


10:09 mi


225 lb
133 bpm
144 bpm


70 F
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70 degrees / 63 dew pt

Very Easy Run (w/painful stomach cramps starting at mi 2)

It seemed cooler but it wasn't as the dew pt was still in the low 60's (so able to run this straight & did not overheat). Ran this very easy in/around Phillips Pl. Started at hotel & ran down to other side looped RH & then a reverse loop of RH & then 4.5 full reverse loops of RH (miles 1-2: felt good, focused on form, running very easy), then continued running 12 more full reverse loops of RH to finish (mi 3 thru 5.7: as I completed mi 2 I felt piercing pain in my left side that was not a stitch but quickly realized it was my colon and began getting deep and painful cramping in my stomach as I could feel whatever was in my colon slowly descend, seemed to get the cramping every loop and my initial goal was to get 1/2 thru as the cramping was really painful in mi 3, it seemed to ease somewhat in mi 4 as it did not have me questioning whether I should quickly run to my bathroom, but then it resumed in mi 5 which may be why I slowed as now the cramping was cycling quicker & I had to fight off the urge to go to the bathroom, and I think I picked up the pace at the end to get this over with). I'm more amazed that I ran this straight given the level of cramping & this had to have impacted pace as I could not relax).
