Run: Easy Previous Next


5:46 PM

5 mi


8:07 mi


198 lb
146 bpm
171 bpm


70 F
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Harris Y Trail & surrounding streets

Running back-to-back days almost proved to be disastrous. By yesterday, Achilles swelled significantly and rt foot hurt more. Spent yesterday icing both 6x. The Achilles improved significantly and decided to run today vs. taking another day off. Taped Achilles today. Goal of run was to lock onto a slower pace vs. Wed and focus on 180 strides/min. Went this straight, ran about 1/3 of it on the road. Felt Achilles "go" (I feel a "squishy" feeling in it) at about 3 miles and at that point focused on very short strides up any incline as that takes pressure off it. Mile splits were consistent. Perceived effort did not equate to what my HR readings were (felt comfortable as splits were all very even & did not look at watch for splits until when I finished). Aborting effort to go back-to-back and will go every other day for another six days.
