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7:24 PM

2.5 mi


6:01 mi


190 lb
117 bpm
185 bpm
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Fast Interval

4 x 500m (descending 5k to 3k) rest 3:00: Pace: #1: 6:36; #2: 6:26; #3: 6:19; #4: 6:10.

4 x 400m (descending < 1 mi pace) rest 2:00; Pace #1: 6:02; #2: 5:58; #3: 5:53; #4: 5:44

2 x 241m (800m pace or below) jog in between. Pace #1: 4:49; #2: 4:40.

Did 500's and 400's on treadmill. Facility closed so did the 241m (.15 mi) outside (these were to be 200's). Wore trainers for the 500's and then put on the Perf Trainers for the 400's and 241's. When I switched into the Perf Trainers, left foot (outer area of foot near ball of foot) really hurt and have no idea why. Was able to keep descending throughout set and get faster throughout (exceeded previous Fast Interval set a month ago).
