Run: Easy Previous Next


11:21 PM

6.5 mi


8:34 mi


219 lb


73 F
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73 deg /90% H / 70 dew pt

Easy Run

Lifted, fast walked & did drills prior. Ran in a drizzle and oppressive conditions (at 8pm it was 79 deg!). I could feel the humidity when I started it just got worse. Course was relatively flat where I ran down Sharon to Sulkirk and looped back, then a loop in the South Pk mall, then to Earth Fare and a loop and then back. Mile 2 I felt bored. Had to stop at mile 5 as I felt heat exhaustion setting in -- it felt really really humid & was literally panting, Since I took yesterday off, the difference between today and Mon was I felt a lot fresher, recovered, and when I resumed for the final ~1.45 miles felt a ton better. Still at end looked like I jumped in a lake.
