Run: Easy Previous Next


11:07 PM

5.3 mi


9:42 mi


225 lb
142 bpm
156 bpm


62 F
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62 degrees / 56 dew pt

Easy Run

Dealing with similar symptoms of when I had colitis fr last Aug/Seg - not the full-on symptoms but every other day getting really painful stomach pains (the kind that wake you up), can hear gurgling in intestines & then of course the end result. Had it really bad today which delayed my run but my stomach still felt quesy and felt much weaker when I ran (and more so every time I started to "feel" this run in my core I had to stop or risk a much worse outcome - stopped 2x). Goal was simply to try to get into rhythm & stay in rhythm. Started at hotel ran to other side & then 3 x [looping small lot 2x out & looped RH around Fairview back in entrance] (thru mi 2.15 - stopped as I started feeling this in my core/stomach, took shirt off & it felt cooler), down Fairview in entrance looped small lot 2x out exit then 2x full reverse loops of RH to Cameron Valley (thru mi 3.3 - felt tired compared to prior miles & again when I began to feel stress in my core stopped), resumed for another full reverse loop of RH then left & into cinema lot running 4 x figure 8 loops (thru mi 4.6 - could feel myself struggling in terms of being tired). Stopped to stretch. Then resumed running 1.5x figure 8 loops & then looped around HR circled Fairview in entrance to finish (mi 4.6 to 5.25).
