Run: Long Previous Next


7:36 PM

9 mi


9:23 mi


215 lb


58 F
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58 deg / 93% H / 56 dew pt

Long Run

Lifted, fast walked & did drills prior - pouring ran. Stared fr HarrisY. Can't understand how I can run so consistently slow and abysmal to where my pace is beyond embarrassing (I ran 8:15 pace yesterday, today some of these miles are among the slowest miles I ever ran? The prior two long runs were at 8:45 pace, this is embarrasing?)? Ran loops around parking lot (mi 1), down Sharon to Park, left where the middle school is & down to elementary school & loops in parking lot & then out to Park (mi 1-4.5, mostly downwind, pouring ran, had to constantly meander to avoid puddles, just focused on quick cadence). Ran down Park past HS & up the hill to highest point & then looped back -- as soon as I looped back the headwind was fierce and unrelenting (~20 mph w/rain pelting me sideways in the face) - felt like I was running in slow motion against the wind, and ran all the way back down Park, looped in shopping center, up Park right on Sharon & into HarrisY parking lot (all into the wind & thankfully the rain stopped in the last mile).
