Run: Easy Previous Next


7:32 PM

5.8 mi


8:35 mi


215 lb


46 F
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46 deg / 83% H / 41 dew pt

Easy Run

Lifted, fast walked & did drills prior. Just drizzled, very cool, first run in probably 7 months w/shirt on. Very bizarre run because of the wild swings in pace (miles 1, 3, 4 & last 3/4 mi were on asphalt in lighted conditions - mile 2 on HarrisY trail & mile 4 in dark). Started out at HarrisY & ran loop in parking lot & then on dirt trail (mi 1 - felt good, no right hamstring discomfort, have to believe running on trail prob cost me 8-10 sec), ran loops on HarrisY trail including loops on the grass fields (mi 2 - felt the same as mi 1 but the soft surface appears to really cost me time), ran out onto Y parking lot & ran up & back on the asphalt (mi 3 - felt so much "springier" & bio-mechanically stronger on the harder surface), ran over to Elementary School & then down & over to the track for 4 laps (mi 4), ran fr track behind school up Sharon to Cotillion & looped back & into back entrance into HarrisY trail (mi 5 0 hard to figure out how I can slow down like this as it felt the same as mi 4?), ran back out onto parking lot for final 3/4 mi.
