Run: Easy Previous Next


5:25 PM

6 mi


7:48 mi


199 lb
150 bpm
172 bpm


59 F
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Harris Y Area

No issues w/Achilles (taped up again) but felt discomfort in right foot (where the discomfort went away when running on the sidewalk/road -- but felt some pain in foot about 1/2 hr post run). Ran about 2.75 miles on road/sidewalk. Also topped the 100' elevation mark (now will gradually increase the hilliness of my runs). Will run every other day thru Sat and then attempt another back-to-back. Felt ok. First two miles along Harris Y trail (1/2 on grass), next 2.75 on roads. Focused on shortening stride on any uphill portion on roads which probably accounts for pace getting slower. Not sure how reliable the HR as the perceived effort was about the same and I would expect to feel really tired at the end if I was at this HR range but the splits tell a different story (did not try to run faster the final two miles -- only difference was this was either flat or back on Harris Y trail so I wasn't trying to shorten up my stride to minimize pressure on left Achilles)?
