Run: Easy Previous Next


11:17 PM

5.3 mi


9:21 mi


225 lb
135 bpm
146 bpm


55 F
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55 degrees

Progressive Easy Run

Felt stronger & ran this faster vs prior similar runs - my power numbers are improving and this topped 400 so I am progressing in terms of strength & pace (compared to last time I ran this similar run last Thu, then my pace was 9:38 and all metrics are essentially the same??). Started fr Orchard St bridge ran into back neighborhood & then two loops of Benedict/Thompson/McBride/Hawthorne (mi 1 - focused on getting into a good rhythm), ran three more loops of Benedict/etc. & then left on Thompson & left on Brookdale (mi 2 - this felt like mi 1 & it was exactly like mi 1), ran out on Brookdale & up right onto Rt 22 up hill looped around gas station then looped Otis/Harwood/Tompkins left on Rt 22 & looped around gas station & repeated loop (mi 3 - uphill portion & focused on picking things up & felt stronger running this + pace improved), ran another loop then out gas station & up Bond left on Harleem looped around gas station right on Fisher left on Rt 22 looped around CVS right on Rt 22 right on Fisher to train bridge [walked under bridge, took shirt off] resumed running out on Fisher to Parkway (mi 4 - downhill portion & this felt like prior mi but downhill was why pace increased), out to Parkway looped back on Fisher & into lower train station lot & did two long figure 8 loops of 2/3rds of lower lot then a zig/zag up the lower lot (mi 5 - purposely picked up pace, felt stronger), then ran zig/zagged down lower lot to Fisher (mi 5 - 5.25 - felt strong to finish).
