Run: Progression Previous Next


9:40 AM

7 mi


6:20 mi


75 F


7 / 10
2 / 10
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7 Mile "Progression" Run

Woof woof woof. Legs felt like bricks this entire run and for the warm up too. Also, really humid although the temps were fairly mild. First two miles went alright, ran the times I was shooting for, even though it was tougher than normal. When I tried to speed up from here my legs were having none of it. Felt like I couldn't sustain any pace faster than 6:15s. Tried to just get in a decent effort, but mentally gave up in mile 6. Rallied a little bit the last k or so and pushed it somewhat. Overall, just a poor effort. Not overly worried, it's the end of a long week and on short recovery from yesterday's run.
