Run: Long Previous Next


8:15 AM

15 mi


6:45 mi


Went out with Milner to hit up the glorious crushed L of the DPR. Set out to run a loop that Milner had done before, but we messed it up and ended up just meandering through the network of trails. Ran into a group of the Illinois varsity guys out for their long run on our way back to the cars (Brewster, Gold, Lanthrop). Decided to join them because we were going to need to add on once we got back anyways. Immediately questioned that decision since they were hammering pretty good. Stayed with them for like 25 minutes when they dropped it to below 6:20s then I decided to run alone. Got some water at the cars around 12 and a half and then went back out with Milner to finish up. Finished up the big hill from the Libertyville course for old times sake. It still sucks. Legs felt pretty tired by the end, but significantly better than yesterday so I'll take it.
