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Minimus Road

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Warm up

200m run (to gauge time for wod) 1:10

20 box step ups each leg [20"]

samson stretches

mobility stuff

6 sets for largest rest time:

2 Power Clean 135/95lb [40#]

2 Push Jerk 135/95lb [40#]

2 Squat Clean 135/95lb [40#]

Run 200m

(Clock is set for 6 intervals of 2 min 30 sec countdown; the rest left over after each round is your total score; i.e. start the timer as soon as you start your 1st power clean, whats left after the run is your rest and your score for round 1…repeat; if you fail to make the 2:30 cut off in one round, finish the round, but minus those sec to your total rest time at end)


I didn't add up my time right because I know I had at least 30 seconds of rest for each round. But whatevs. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do everything in 2:30. The runs sucked sucked sucked. I don't know why I am sooo terrible with running. Perhaps cardio issue. My squat cleans aren't that great and the last 2 rounds they were pretty terrible and had no depth.

Post WOD

10 GHD back extensions

8 GHD sit ups
