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Minimus Road

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<No name>


9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thruster 135/95lb [35#]

Muscle Up*

*3 Ring Dips and 3 Pull Ups equal 1 Muscle Up [blue band on roman chair, green + red bands for pull ups]


Post WOD:

50 TGU [20 TGUs, 10# db]

Part of warm up today was hand stands. I didn't use any ab mats (coach advised that I just not fall, heh). Well, I kept falling the few times I did manage to get up briefly. Mentally I was psyched out so that undermined my confidence. And the idea of no ab mats freaked me out a little. So with no pile of ab mats to support my head I kept falling down. But I think it's good that I experienced this and didn't die so perhaps next time I will feel more confident. Really must work on keeping arms straight and strong.

For the thrusters I was ambitious initially and tried with 45#. Nope. This is my 3rd consecutive day of CF so thighs were feeling a bit sore and I was feeling tired. So I'm thinking that my physical condition wasn't the strongest today. 35# wasn't that hard so maybe I should have tried 40#. Cannot do muscle up of course so did the dips with blue band on roman chair and pull ups (red + green) instead. Dips felt fairly easy so either I was doing them wrong or I should perhaps try moving to the rings now.

Not sure why the post-WOD was 50 TGUs. That's a lot and we didn't have that much time. I did 10 on each side with 10# dumbbell.
