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Minimus Road

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<No name>


Class was huge, 20 people. To me a class with 5 is big. Nice to see people I normally don't see as some of the night people came to this class.


800m run with some strides thrown in

10 good mornings [used 7kg barbell throughout]

10 kb swings [18#]

10 front squats

10 back squats

10 OHS

10 pull ups

10 push ups

was supposed to do 10 ring dips but I ran out of time.

2010 USAW/CrossFit WOD:

10 Minute AMRAP of:

6 Squat Cleans 120/65lb [37.5#]

12 Pull Ups [green + red]

24 Double Unders [mix of singles and doubles]

3 rds + 2 squat cleans

Post WOD:

10 minutes of handstand practice

Definitely need to work on my squat clean form/technique but I was happy that I was actually squatting. Or at least I think I was. I think at one point I got 4 consecutive DUs.

Felt a tad more confident with the handstands but still not good at them at all. Kept falling down. My arms do a lousy job of holding me up.
