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Minimus Road

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<No name>


Partner WOD, teams of two. Only one person is working at a time. Share the load.

For Time:

50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps of:

Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25) [10#]


Ball Slams (30/20) [10#]

Double Unders [singles]



My first partner WOD. I don't like these because I feel like I'm holding my partner back. For the lunges I should have probably done 15# plate but I opted for 10# because I was worried about my knee. I was cranky going in and this didn't do much for my mood. For the most part my partner and I did took turns and divided the reps in half but I started falling apart on the knees to elbows. I also kept getting confused with the double under counting because I was doing 3 singles instead of 1 double. The workout ran long and my partner had to leave so the coach took over, although I was kind of hoping he would just say I could stop. But I guess it is the CrossFit way to make sure you finish a workout whenever possible. He did most of the knees to elbows, for which I was very thankful.
