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Max Rep Handstand Push Up or Max time Handstand Hold

10 Minute AMRAP:

10 KB Lunges, weight at sides 2X(1.5/1pd) [.5pd]

5 Reps Right, 5 Reps Left, loaded KB Clean 2X(1.5/1pd) [.5pd]

(Both kettlebells start on the ground, as you deadlift one, you clean the other.)

4 rounds + 4 cleans

Did not even attempt handstands. Instead coach had me hold weighted bar overhead to work on strengthening my shoulders and upper back.

Struggled a lot with the kb cleans. I struggle with cleans in general. During 1st set of lunges I did something to my right quad, got a knot or something. It's a bit tender right now. Subsequent lunges were somewhat hurty.

bonus: 3 x 8 reps on the GHD thing, facedown. I think I'm getting a little less scared of it.
