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3.1 mi


7:07 mi


188.6 lb
159 bpm
171 bpm


70 F
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<No name>


HairPin 5K

22:11 7:07 avg pace

Weighed 188.6 Fri am

7:36 152

6:47 161

7:02 165

Last.12 at 6:20 pace

Legs felt good but stomach was not good at all. I think I actually ober hydrated affecting gut flora. I tried something different and it didn't work. I really feel it held me back going up big hill to start and last mile where I typically finish strong but couldn't even though legs were good. My avg HR, HR splits and max HR tell me I didn't run hard enough as it was warm humid 70 degrees and my HR max should have been 180 plus with ability to push at end. Also avg HR should have been in mid 160s. Thought sub 22 was very doable based on my 44:07 recent 10K. A bit disappointed in time and also I finished 2 seconds behind my 15 year old cousin.
