Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9:30 AM

4.3 mi


7:55 mi


pretty shitty run. i think I'm just a) tired out from so much (relatively) running the past few day, as well as b) eating even fewer carbs than i was before. i think I'm going to start eating more carbs today cus its really starting to impact my running and I'm at 155 pounds so Im happy with that. i shall go down to stacks and get a fat stack of pancakes to begin my carbodiet anew

i ran to the track (2 mi) and back (1.7 mi) so all i did at the track was a timed 400 (made it thru 300 in 45, couldn't finish the last 100 strong and for some reason just stopped at 58 seconds with about 20m to go), took a three-minute rest/rec, and then did 2 x 200 with a 40s rest between in 31, 38 (couldn't finish the last 100 strong on the second repeat, but finished the interval still). will try this workout again on sunday or monday.
