Event: PT with TJ Previous Next


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First time at PT in a few weeks (last appointment was 23 DEC). TJ wanted to know how the lifts were going and if anything might have caused the IT band pain besides the big sitting day on Saturday and we concluded there wasn't anything else. In the meantime, I'll keep the incline a bit higher on the treadmill until it feels really good again. He felt the groin was responding really well but the IT band, being a tendon, might just need more time to heal and strengthen. We also talked about progressing the copenhagen planks to keep getting the groin stronger.

I was slightly surprised to hear that he thought I could start running 4 days per week, but he said one running should be at a steeper incline to make sure it wasn't going to add much stress. I asked if he thought running after lifting was a good order of operations and he thought so because it would allow me to be a little fresher for lifting (I feel like a running coach would say the opposite, but I'm really not training to run right now, just training to recover from injury). He did say that if I wanted to run before lifting sometimes that was okay, but that I should do it only once or twice per week.

He made some tweaks to the lifting program that I'll start next week along with the extra day of running. I might not document those here, but I'll add them to next week in advance so that everything is in RunningAhead.

Feels like progress is a little slow right now but that's okay. I'm always more worried about this stuff before PT and then the appointment makes me feel like things are under control. TJ said Mike will probably come to our next appointment in 2-4 weeks to look at my hip and maybe add some breathing exercises to the mix.
