Event: Jackson Day 3 Previous Next


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Beautiful sunny day today with just a handful of clouds. Temps probably not much below freezing except at the very top where it was about 10F early in the afternoon. Didn't start on the tram today which was kindof nice. Goofed around in a few bumps and easy glades but nothing wild. Stopped for a real lunch for the first time today and I think that kept me going way better through the afternoon. Dad never likes doing that because he gets too sleepy but I do way better with it. Had a funny thought today that Dad and Joe get better mpg than I do, which might make sense. They don't eat and ski way better than I do but if I'm eating I can last way longer.

The top was BEAUTIFUL today but still intimidating, although I skied it pretty well. Visibility was awesome which made it way easier than yesterday. Got a video of Dad in some moguls that was cool but didn't capture the pitch of the hill at all.

Called it at about 3 because Dad was wiped. I could have done a couple more runs but definitely was getting tired too so I didn't need to. I think Joe was pretty tired too because he did a bunch of moguls and glades today.
