Run: Recovery Previous Next


7.1 mi


7:14 mi


Kept it at a crawl to start but got progressively more agitated thinking about this weekend. Didn't start hammering because I was pretty achy and I'm not dumb, but definitely ran half 2 faster. Think I should consider not crawling on recovery days as much... sometimes a slightly quicker pace feels a lot better -- it did today.

Strongly considering Oneonta now that JML put the idea in my head, whether or not he was serious. It'll depend on possible interviews and if I can get a little company (cough JARRETT) but it really seems like a good meet to go to. I could see it playing out much more towards my preference of race... hang out in the back under the radar at around 15:50-55 pace while a lot of people try to go HAM, then start rolling second half, quite possibly reeling people in, and see what happens... it's the strategy that's worked best for me and yet, I haven't successfully used it in months.

Plus, it would be a nice redemption from Oneonta last year where I ran like absolute SHIT haha.

So, as a result... mileage goal this week is to maintain from last week +/- a mile or two, then drop a few more next week to get into low 60s. Workout schedule TBD... as of now, thinking 5k specific stuff tomorrow, and then either light WO Thurs/hard Sat (maybe a RR/TT?), or a bunch of quicker 300s etc. on Fri like in XC.



Sean Quinn

There is always this meet too. 5K field is always pretty competitive.

Paul Malek

Good point, maybe that will be next!