Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:39 AM

7.2 mi


6:36 mi

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Anotha one with the homie. I'm gonna call this a tempo but it was supposed to be a progression run cuz that was Jake's plan for the day and I told him I'd try to hang. I'll consider it a win even though I had to slow up after mile 4 cuz dang look at those splits, hun. Haven't gone that fast in a long while. I suspected early on that I wasn't gonna last the whole thing cuz if we were at 5:52 at mile 3, I knew I wasn't gonna progress much faster. I also didn't want to completely gas myself before the long run tomorrow. Jake kept progressing to like 5:20 or some shit, what a tank. We met up after his mile 7 and yogged it in. I think this was a good test of current fitness. I should start to mix in some faster runs like this when I go back to solo training. Dang I'm not looking forward to solo training again. Ogie met Jake after and he eventually let him pet him kind of. Jake wouldn't hold him cuz of PTSD of other bad experiences holding dogs. Poor guy's seen some shit
